My ponponpon / folk/ eastern tale

My designs for the infamous tendence book in Antwerp Fashion Academy, as a student.
These illustrations had been with me ever since, and apparently are one of the posts most visited from the history of this blog. 
Good memories are forever linked to these designs. 

My first-first year tendence book was revolving on the Beijing opera singers, actors and actresses attires from China. Plus my own experience as becoming the sister of a wonderful little girl from China, my sis Jana now an incredible person of 15...
China rituals , their costumes combined with traditional folk costumes from Slavic countries Catalonia were also sources of research. Here you have some of the images as inspiration: because I loved the feeling of making the Tendence Book!

© Laia Riera Sanjaume


  1. júúúú ..very nice work! :-)

  2. Thanks a lot, Luc! ;-)
    I also enjoyed visiting your blog, very nice stuff.


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